Creek Side Art, featuring the artwork of Mary Ida Rolape

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Habitat Home Nesting Boxes Berm and Pond Shallow Depressions Warm Season Grass Areas Water Control Valve

Inline Water Level Control Structure

The water level control structure is used to maintain a water depth of around 4 feet over the winter and lets the water drain out during the summer growing season. The adjacent excavated areas collect water from normal rainfall and provide fresh water for the animals. 2002 is the first season for the habitat water containment area and a lot of this is what we have been told as rainfall this year has been far less than normal. The unusually low rainfall has made us rather skeptical, hopefully over this winter we will see some improvement. 

Purchased from Agri Drain, visit their web site at Inline Water Level Control Structures to see actual control valve. The Agri Drain Inline Water Level Control Structure™ is the device utilized at this site.


Water Level Control Valve Placement

Water Level Control Valve Placement

Initial water level control valve placement within berm area.

Picture showing intake pipe (foreground), output pipe, anti-seep collar (beige item around pipe) and water level control structure.

Water Level Control Valve Placement

Top of level control valve

A lot of hand work had to be done during installation of water level control.

Top of level control valve. Almost level with top of berm area.

Inside of level control valve

Intake side of valve

Inside of level control valve. Water will flow over top of the boards during heavy rains.

 End of pipe on intake side of water level control gate. Top of 12" pipe is almost under water. Hopefully will end up about 2 foot under after more rain.

Pond Area
Output pipe

Pond area formed by berm.

End of output pipe. Excess water flows out of pipe on to open field area.


Contact Mary Ida Rolape via email or telephone 301-769-3179

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